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We are in the middle of unprecedented change all around. Organizations and individuals have had to pivot quickly, adapt to new working practices, adjust business and delivery models, and embrace new ways to engage and collaborate using virtual tools and platforms. Are you one of those thrust into the heart of designing, implementing, and managing the new changes for your organization? Are you grappling with organizational transition? The solution lies in equipping yourself with tools and knowledge that will be beneficial, and learning strategies and tactics that are working for others. Let’s explore the advantages of certification and answer the question; what is the value of change management training in Kenya?


The importance of change management training in Kenya

  • A structured approach

Are you the one responsible for implementing a change, maybe the use of technology, a new policy guiding remote work, restructuring or redundancy, and you don’t know where to start? Change management certification is for you. The certification provides a formalised methodology, process, and steps to follow. It will also deepen your understanding of the dynamics of change, the psychology of people’s minds when experiencing change, a deeper understanding of resistance and the strategies to overcome these barriers.

  • Tools and templates

One of the key benefits of change management certification is the acquisition of global tried and tested tools that can be used across simple and complex changes and tailored to a local context. You learn how to apply and adapt the tools to your change initiative as well as benefit from being part of a global community of practice. This community shares learnings, insights, ideas, and experiences of the use of the change tools.

Also Read: 3 Culture Change Pillars

  • Build confidence

Certification builds confidence in your understanding of change and your ability to articulate and influence others on the right approaches, strategies, and tactics to be deployed. This creates greater confidence among colleagues, leaders, or clients and achieves the desired outcome for the implemented change initiatives.

  • Professional credibility

Change management will enhance your professional credibility and career prospects. It demonstrates to your current employer and clients as well as prospective clients and employers that you are committed to growth and add immense value to the organisation or engagement. For example, upon completion of the certification program, you can promote yourself as a qualified practitioner using the following badge;

Change Management


What to expect

Our certification is highly experiential and anchored on adult learning theories. You will walk away with;

  • A change management plan for a change initiative you are involved in leading or managing
  • Best practice insights on resistance management, role of leaders and people managers in leading change, communication, global trends and developing change metrics
  • The ADKAR® model, a results-oriented model on how to lead individuals, teams, and the organisation through change and a deeper understanding on barriers of change and how to unlock them
  • An understanding of who handles change management
  • How to reinforce change and make the change stick
  • Access to global tools, templates, and guides

We invite you to join our certification programs

Written By Nyawera Kibuka

Nyawera currently provides strategic leadership of Cedar Africa’s offerings and ensures quality service delivery. She is passionate about coaching and training individuals and organisations towards positive change. Successful transformation in every engagement is one of her greatest rewards.