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Webinar Archive
Change Management Resources
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The Intersection of HR & Change Management

In a dynamic world where organizations and leaders are constantly looking to find innovative ways to navigate today’s challenges and position for tomorrow’s opportunities, the growing acknowledgement of the importance of people – both to the organization and in times of change – sets the stage for Human Resources and Change Management to collaborate and drive change successfully. The landscape for this collaboration is made up of various opportunities to improve change performance while empowering people to achieve their potential.

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Defining the Value of Change Management

In this webinar, you will learn how to change the conversation and define change management’s value through different lenses, including return-on-investment. You will come away with a step-by-step approach for quantifying change management’s contribution to a project, and learn how to lead a conversation with internal stakeholders about the value change management brings to your organization.

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Advanced Applications of ADKAR

In this interactive webinar, we will dive deeper into the powerful Prosci ADKAR Model®️ and how it can be used to prepare, equip and support individuals through change to achieve organizational results. We will explore advanced applications of ADKAR—as project milestones, to activate key roles, to equip people managers and senior leaders, and as a measurement framework. Get ready to achieve even greater success on your projects and change initiatives by leveraging the ADKAR Model in new ways.

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ADKAR®: The Five Building Blocks of Individual Change

Why do some changes fail while others succeed? In this interactive webinar, we will learn about the foundation and universal application of ADKAR® and focus on unlocking individual barriers to change through Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability and Reinforcement. We will discuss ADKAR in the context of ‘who’ has to do their jobs differently and ‘how’ in order to drive better outcomes and sustainable organizational change

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The Prosci Change Triangle (PCT) Model: Tracking Project Health

The Prosci Change Triangle (PCT) Model is a model that shows the four critical aspects of any successful change effort and how they are interrelated. In this interactive webinar, learn about the PCT Model and how this simple, but impactful model can be used to gain clarity and alignment on what a change aims to deliver as well as inform actions to improve project health over time.

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Change Management Takes Change Management

“Change management takes change management” means you are applying change management principles to “doing change management” as the change being introduced. In this interactive webinar, we will apply Prosci models and have a conversation about removing blockers and creating momentum for “doing change management” with a focus on practical and actionable guidance.

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How to Integrate Change Management and Project Management

The PCT Model depicts the critical nature of the interrelationship between project management and change management. In this interactive webinar, we will dive deeper into the importance of these complementary disciplines that share a common objective – change success. Come with a project in mind to explore four key dimensions of integration: people, process, tools, and results.

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Enhance Your Skills: Change Practitioner Journey Model

This Prosci model is oriented to the unique view of an individual practitioner and offers direction and perspective to guide you on your journey to grow and develop over time. Learn about the shared mindset, foundational beliefs, and professional paths of other change practitioners and how they progressed along their path to achieve both personal and professional goals.

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Activating Sponsors

The fact that effective sponsorship is a top contributor to change success is no surprise. Neither is the fact that many change practitioners still struggle to get the caliber of sponsorship they need from senior leaders. In this webinar, Tim Creasey will guide you through specific actions you can take to enlist (with context and language), engage (in a symbiotic relationship), and empower (by building competencies) the leaders you need to step up as great change sponsors.

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How to Standup CMO

Building the best CMO for your organization requires consideration for how it can fit holistically within your structure to accomplish your enterprise change management goals. This webinar will help you find the answer to building your optimal CMO.

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Authentic Leadership, the strengths way! Free eBook

Leaders who know how to bring out strengths in others – to develop and stretch those strengths. This eBook is for authentic leaders and for those leaders who aspire to be.

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