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Employer of Record (EOR) Services in Kenya

Employer of Record Services

Companies look to Employer of Record (EOR) services when they want to expand into a new country or market but have no legal entity/location there.

Rather than spend time navigating the administrative and regulatory hurdles to open one, they hire an EOR to help the business establish itself in the new market quickly and effectively.

Companies also choose an Employer of Records (EOR), when;

  • Testing the market before establishing a legal entity
  • Hiring a small number of employees
  • There’s a need to hire competent staff abroad quickly
  • Looking to establish representation in the country


Cedar Africa Group’s EOR services handle many aspects of the business.

From finding and hiring talent to managing payroll and ensuring compliance with labour and tax laws, we get you ready to open for business.

If you’re looking to expand operations in Kenya without establishing a local presence, look to us.

Our in-depth knowledge of the local government, including the administrative and regulatory requirements, frees you from being bogged down by issues that could stall your expansion and saves you time and resources.


What Our EOR Services Entail

  • Talent Acquisition and Staff Outsourcing
  • Offer Negotiation and Contract Management
  • Employee Onboarding
  • Payroll Processing
  • Tax Administration – Statutory Remittance
  • Workstation and Admin Support
  • Immigration Support – Visa, Special Pass, and Wok Permit Processing (for expatriates)
  • Travel Support – (on a need basis)
  • Relocation Support (for expatriates)
  • Benefits and Insurance Management
  • Company and Employee Registration
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FAQs about Employer of Record Services in Kenya

What is an Employer of Record (EOR)?

An Employer of Record is a service provider that acts as the legal employer for workers in terms of payroll, taxes, and compliance while the client company retains control over the day-to-day work and performance of the employees.

Why would a company use an Employer of Record in Kenya?

Companies use EOR services to quickly establish a presence in Kenya without setting up a legal entity. This allows them to navigate local labor laws, payroll taxes, and employment regulations efficiently.

What are some of the benefits of using an Employer of Record?

  • Compliance: Ensures compliance with Kenyan labor laws and regulations.
  • Speed: Allows companies to on-board employees quickly without establishing a legal entity.
  • Cost-Effective: Saves costs associated with establishing and maintaining a legal entity.
  • Focus: Enables companies to focus on their core business rather than administrative and HR tasks.

How does an Employer of Record handle payroll and taxes?

The EOR manages payroll processing, tax withholding, and filing as per Kenyan regulations. They ensure timely payment of salaries, deductions for taxes and social security, and compliance with statutory obligations.

How can a company choose the right Employer of Record?

Factors such as the EOR’s experience in Kenya, reputation, compliance track record, ability to handle payroll and taxes, support for work permits, and service quality should be considered.

Are there any legal considerations when using an Employer of Record in Kenya?

Companies need to understand their contractual obligations with the EOR, ensure compliance with Kenyan labor laws, and clarify responsibilities regarding employee management and termination.

What is the typical cost structure for EOR services?

Costs can vary based on the number of employees, services required (payroll, taxes, permits), and the complexity of the engagement. It’s a common practice for EORs to charge a fee per employee or a percentage.

What types of companies can benefit from EOR services in Kenya?

  • Organizations looking to enter/expand into the Kenyan market.
  • Organizations engaging in short-term projects or assignments.
  • Businesses testing the market before committing to a full legal establishment.

Are there any limitations to using an EOR service in Kenya?

EOR services are typically designed for employment compliance and management. If your company requires full operational control, establishing a legal entity may be more appropriate.

Who can I speak to for further information?

For additional information, please write to [email protected] or call +254 20 2400039 

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