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Research shows that communication is among the top contributor to change success. With this in mind, Communication becomes the ideal tool to build the first two elements of the Prosci ADKAR® Model i.e. building awareness of the needed change and creating the desire to participate in and support it. Therefore, the million-dollar question becomes, ‘which tools/vehicles are effective in ensuring that the intended message is delivered?’

Also Read: The Value Of Communication During A Change Initiative

Prosci’s benchmarking report drawn from over 20 years of research identified 30+ effective Communication vehicles when communicating about change to your organisation. We briefly highlight these vehicles;

Face-to-face interactions

Although we are observing the stipulated measures to keep the novel coronavirus at bay, face-to-face interaction plays an integral role in managing change and mitigating resistance. While it is more time intensive, it was pointed out as the most effective form of communication. At times like these, consider leveraging on platforms such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams to achieve this.

Also Read: Equipped Managers Are Critical In Dealing With Resistance

Focus groups

Activities in focus groups help in preparing employees and also become a platform to seek clarity and influence as well. In a change context, it is ideal to include employees, managers, executives, customers and anyone who might be impacted by the change. In this regard, there should be an open floor for discussion to encourage maximum participation.


As the world continues to fight the global pandemic, we have been greatly forced to leverage technology in order to stay afloat. Change Practitioners have not been left behind. As a change leader in your organisation, one of the current effective ways to deliver change communication is through webinars. Webinars make it possible for change leaders to connect to their teams’ regardless of geographical differences. They provide a solid ground to address common questions and concerns around the change.

Also Read: Why Change Management Certification Is Important

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

One of the ways to achieve transparency and honesty in managing change is by providing a platform for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Employees want to continuously hear a message that is sincere, truthful and accurate. While communicating about a change, do not overlook the importance of providing answers to the most common questions. Anticipate questions during a change initiative and clearly document their answers.

Also Read: 5 Key Competencies of an Effective Change Manager

Social Media

Change Practitioners are realising the powerful impact social media is having in change management communication. 26% of participants of the 2013 benchmarking study conducted by Prosci revealed that the top driver for using social media was its wide message reach. Social media was considered highly accessible to both message senders and receivers.

Written By Davis Muli

Muli is a Communication and Marketing Specialist.

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Cedar Africa Group is Prosci ®’s primary partner in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, and Rwanda.