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From our blog

Overcoming Redundancy

Overcoming Redundancy

Several organisations have been left with little choice than to restructure and re-organise operations to adapt to the changing macro-environment and shifts in customer needs. The decision to restructure is never easy, often costly, and demands that leaders balance...

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Dressing up to show up: Interview Attire

Dressing up to show up: Interview Attire

Appearance is a big part of the interview process after all, the saying goes, ‘dress how you would like to be addressed.’ Some assume that dressing right for a job interview is just the normal flair and fail to make the attempt to get it right. What people fail to...

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How to prepare for a job loss

I would wish that am writing about how to find a job. That’s what all job seekers are interested in at this time. We have seen a rise in job losses recently and it is a trend bound to continue as the winds of change sweep across Kenya’s, regional and indeed global...

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