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Discount Enquiry

Course Enquiry (discount) I would like to book this course with a special discount of 3% (condition: you must book before November 23, 2022). "*" indicates required fields The following courses are eligible for the discount (tick one or more):* Prosci Change...

Special Offer popup

Black Friday Offer: Pay before November 23rd andget a 3% discount on selected courses! Learn...

Enquiry Services

Enquire now I would like to enquire about:*(you may select several) Change Management Talent Management Transition Coaching Outplacement Webinars Recruitment Other If 'other', please elaborate:* Name* Organisation* Job Title* Industry*...

Course Enquiry

Interested in our Courses or Workshops? Enquire here: (all fields are required) Please send me/us more information about: Please send me/us more information about: Change Management Certification Role based training Change Management Sponsor Briefing Change Management...