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Professional, Executive and Board Search

Helping you find the right fit in your Professional, Executive, or Board Member Search

Let’s face it – finding top talent is not easy today’s competitive environment. You need agile, bold leaders who have the experience and confidence to drive business forward in our ever-changing world. And you need them now.

We get it.

We know the stress that vacant positions can have on the entire organization. We also understand how critical it is to place the right person in the job. That’s why our talent acquisition service is much more than merely recruitment.

Our team has vast experience working in some of the top global consulting firms, which allows us to leverage our wide networks for you. Our knowledge, resources, technology, and AI tools enable us to easily assess the current talent pool and determine the right candidates who can help grow your business, now and into the future


    Please use the enquiry form below to contact us or to speak to one of our experts.

    cedar africa group executive search and selection
    cedar africa group employee outplacement

    Best-in-Class Tools

    We do more than match leaders looking for their next position with open roles. Our talent acquisition strategies help businesses in financial services, development, not-for-profit, public sector and more find, vet and assess the professionals for those hard to fill positions. 

    We offer all of our clients with access to personality and cognitive assessment tools to ensure our clients:  

    • Make better hiring decisions
    • Build stronger teams
    • Assess cultural fit
    • Manage leadership succession
    • Develop leadership competencies

    Please use the enquiry form below to contact us or to speak to one of our experts.

    Professional Search

    Let us help you fill the middle and senior manager roles with high-performing professionals who will bring lasting change and make an impact.

    Executive Search

    Find the leaders who are the right fit from a cultural, personal and professional standpoint, not only for today but for tomorrow as well.

    Board Member Search

    When a board seat becomes open, we’ll find leaders who possess the right blend of skills and who are aligned with your strategic direction, goals, and needs, now and for the future.

    Interested in our programmes?

    Get in touch!

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